Post Summer Holiday Progress Report

Today I would like to share and record a summary of my 10-day holiday spent with family.

As I mentioned towards the end of my previous post I had set an intention for this holiday and this included the travel part. What I didn't mention is that I was stretching myself financially and choosing the most practical, comfortable, convenient, and liberating means of transport for the journey and so rented a car as mine (what Neville would have called an old jalopy) died several months ago. Now when I say I was stretching myself it wasn't that I didn't have the spare funds available, just that it might mean eating into the part of the funds I've been building up for replacing the old jalopy. I now see this as counter productive as even without eating into them they aren't yet sufficient for expressing appreciation for the car I'm currently dreaming of.  <--- Here is an example of me being unconscious and forgetting the truth.

So let's re-frame or revise this: I chose to express appreciation for the pleasure of driving a new car (there were less than 2500 km on the clock), that particular smell new cars have that I have revived in my memory bank ready for my visualizations, knowing that if anything went wrong with the car the rental company would have my back and that if I did manifest a scrape my liability was limited financially.

This enabled me to experience the journey as I had intended to. I didn't quite get the "the thrill and joy of new beginnings" part going but I had a good journey there and back. I was taking my time, stopping whenever I felt the desire to and yet I arrived earlier at my destination than I initially thought I would (basing my calculations on previous trips in the old jalopy).  I tasted the joy of having air conditioning in a car and the joy of being able to afford it :) And the rental cost me less that the initial estimate :)

My main focus throughout this holiday was on cultivation peace of mind. There were a few times on the motorway that I lost it and grumbled a bit when I got stuck behind a slow moving vehicle because a car in the outer lane was preventing me from overtaking but I feel I have made progress.

Now my focus needs to go to the car I'm currently dreaming from and not of. This car has been manifesting itself in my dream in different ways including in the form of a prize in a competition.

My job now is to say "come nearer so that I can feel you". I do this by combining all the feelings and joys of driving that rental car with watching videos filmed from inside of the model I have chosen and cultivating the feeling and the vision of it parked in front of my house now.

I would love to hear how you are putting Neville's teachings on the law into practice and if you have a blog I would be happy to link to it.
