What DOES it feel like?

I have for some months now had a sheet of paper with the words "What would the feeling be like?" written on it, strategically placed so that I could see it every time I looked up whilst working at my desk. I found it very useful as I usually look up (my desk is in front of a window through which I can see the sky and the treetops) when I'm feeling frustration or other unwanted feelings, or in other words, being unconscious, when working with some trainees. Those words prompted me to remind myself of my vision, raise my vibration, and become more present.

Then one day during meditation it struck me that using the words "would" and "be", even if they are the words that Neville used, is not such a good idea, even if it had proved useful. Why? Because it's a conditional and it also puts my desire out there in the future.

When visualizing and feeling it real it's in the present and that feeling is the one I am to wear, not one with threads of wishfulness running through it.

So I changed this to 'What DOES it feel like?" about 10 days ago and I am already experiencing the results.

I invite you to try it for yourself.
