The April Fools Day Cookie

In my previous post I started to talk about a notable, cookie jar worthy, experience resulting from some recent thinking, imagining/praying combined with setting an intention. Here is the intention again:

 continue page 24 tomorrow afternoon after a pleasant drive to and back from the shops where I was able to stock up on things to sate my earthly appetites.

This particular intention started out as an undated note to myself with the page number of a book in pdf format I was reading.  But as I knew that the cupboard was bare and that an expedition to a reasonable sized supermarket was in call (20 km away) and in view of recent experiences and work I had been doing concerning them, I added the intention for the pleasant drive, closed my eyes and felt myself back home after a lovely drive, and then when to bed. This was on Friday March 31st.

Now before I relate what happened, a little background information is required: In the previous months I had had experiences related to car ownership, especially in relation to paperwork, official and mandatory documents, and speeding tickets. In 40 years of driving I had never received a ticket for speeding and then boom! 3 in a row.  There were setbacks during the normally simple process of obtaining the mandatory documents for the car and although the insurance was fully paid and effective I hadn't yet received the  certificate of insurance to replace the temporary (valid 2 months) one delivered when I first insured the car in December. No big deal unless the police see that it has expired and even then it's just a question of finding some proof to take to the local police station but I can think of better things to do with my time.  I knew how I had created these things so, I did some clearing and revision and made a kind of agreement - I do my best to follow speed limits and my inner being makes me invisible to police officers and speed traps.  It also should be noted that In the 3 and a half years I've been living here I had  never seen the police on this road. In fact I had so far only been pulled over twice in 40 years .

Here is what I wrote before starting to read page 24 the next day:

So I think I should analyse what happened this morning.  Yesterday before going to bed I made the following note:  "continue page 24 tomorrow afternoon after a pleasant drive to and back from the shops where I was able to stock up on things to sate my earthly appetites." This is the intention I wrote for today and that was after working on a desire to be invisible to road police and making a kind of agreement - I do my best to respect speed limits and my inner being makes me invisible.

Well on my way home I was stopped by the police, not because I was speeding (although I'm not sure I wasn't a little over the limit) but for a simple control.  I parked the car where instructed to, in exactly the same place my previous car had "expired", on a roundabout at the end of a dual carriageway. I was a little concerned because of the paperwork for the insurance but felt calm nonetheless: I have now had enough experiences that show me that if I do my best to remain faithful to my imaginal act in spite of any seeming evidence that denies it, things work out fine. Even when that faith is a small as a mustard seed. So I lowered my window and started to retrieve my driver's licence, which I keep in my purse with my passport,  and the pouch that contains just the papers for the car.  I was struggling somewhat to remove the pouch and he had already walked round to the side of the wind-shield where the MOT and insurance "stickers' for want of a better word are and was back waiting. So I was inspired to give him my driver's licence to look at while I fished the pouch out of an inside pocket of my handbag; I nearly made a sheepish comment about women and handbags but thought better of it. The pouch retrieved at long last I held it out to him just as he handed back my driving licence saying it was OK and that he didn't need to see the papers for the car. Then he said "Have a nice day" and guided me back onto the roundabout.

I did thank my heavenly Father in me for avoiding me the hassle of printing emails and screen shots and a trip to a police station within the next 3 days but didn't think much more about it until I had finished putting my groceries away and was sitting down with a cup of tea.  Which is also when I realised that it was April fools day.

Now I could, and did, start telling myself stories like: I'm a middle aged woman who is polite and compliant - not the type to be driving a stolen or uninsured car. Or that they were looking for people driving without a licence. Or perhaps the photo with the unbelievable hairstyle going back to the early eighties scared him or was making him crack up laughing inside. Etc, etc...

But I know better and must remove the stones (beliefs in external power and causes) and acknowledge the real cause:

  • I AM the reason, I AM the cause.
  • I had imagined my desired outcome.
  • I had set an intention.
  • I got that intention rolling by getting up when I was ready to, washing, dressing and leisurely setting off  for my expedition. I was happy because I enjoy driving, especially around here. The roads are good, there aren't a lot of cars, and the scenery is very beautiful.  
  • My inner being took care of the rest and the police officer had to follow the script he'd been given by my inner being.

And so I had the experience of a pleasant drive to and back from the shops where I was able to stock up on things to sate my earthly appetites together with being pulled over by the police and seeing them miss something that had the potential of creating some hassles. I wasn't invisible but that my paperwork was not in good order was. On April fools day.

I truly appreciate the humour :)
