There are Signs Everywhere

I recently wrote about how inspiration from different sources can lead me to go and study a part of the Bible and I said I would relate how watching the film "Jackie" took me on a very rewarding exploration shortly. Which I will. But today I would like to share the inspiration I had this morning and where it led. It's closely related to the Jackie-inspired investigations, as they all are ultimately, and actually makes a good lead up to it.

I think a bit of background information would be useful here.  I was on Facebook and had just replied to a comment on a post about staying away from the news.  Someone seemed to think that by staying away from it would make them immune to the negativity and eventually make it easier to just acknowledge it as illusion and be unaffected. Now while I do agree that it's not a good idea to feed on the news for the obvious reasons I'm sure you're already aware of, thinking it will make you immune is, in my opinion, like an ostrich sticking its head in the sand repeating to itself that the lion behind it is just an illusion.

Personally I don't watch the news, or read newspapers but some things do end up on my Facebook timeline (in the middle of the updates on what my family members are up to, funny cat videos, articles on spirituality, funny memes, and art) when friends have posted or commented on them.   I've learned to see them for what they are and just move on. If I do feel a reaction in me, I revise it but that happens less and less. It's like seeing an ad for a horror film, seeing the ad doesn't mean I have to watch the film.

 For the record here is my response:
 You will be more and more immune to the negativity as your understanding deepens and you start to see this dream world as it really is and marvel at the ingenuity behind it all. Acknowledge that it's just the interaction of different states of consciousness out-pictured as people in places doing things we label as good bad or indifferent.
And remember:
All the states of being are within you.
No state is superior to other states: states are states.
The end of the play was written before we started out on our journey from innocence to experience.

After I had finished writing my response I scrolled down the page and BOOM! BIG BADABOOM! (I think I may watch too many films;)) Here's what I saw:

Now, forget the reference to politically correct speech. What caught my attention was the name given to this monstrosity:  MOAB,  the acronym of Mother of all Bombs. A small voice inside said "Hey! You've seen this word n the Bible, check it out in the metaphysical Bible dictionary".  So I did, and here is what I found:

Moab stands for the carnal mind and the most external conditions of life.

Now it does go a lot deeper than this, there are a lot of references to Moab and Moabites to research, and I'll probably be writing a follow-up at some point.

But for now I'll let you reflect on this symbol of what the carnal mind produces and the irony of the choice of the name for it.
